Help Sponsor 9th Annual
Plumbing Hacks & Plumbing Professional Discussions Conference & Trade Show

Sign Up Today

With 55,000+ members in our group, we have an amazing turnout.

This Plumbing Hacks event is a true "Grass Roots, Plumbing Industry" event. At a Hacks Meet, 95% of the attendees are decision-makers. It’s always a very laid-back/ casual environment & yet the atmosphere is filled with passion, excitement, humility, and focus on the future of our businesses and the health of our industry as a whole.

This environment allows for a lot more time to speak with members than most trade shows, allowing the building of both relationships and networks. Members come to this event from all over the U.S.A. and Canada to be here and are very passionate about our trade/ industry. We all love meeting and building relationships with vendor partners who are as passionate about it as we are, and who are seeking opportunity to support/ uplift the trade in any way possible.

200+ members actively participate at our trade show, attending the meet and greet and participating in the business classes in person, while thousands more follow along in live streams & videos that are being sent back to our FB group and most other SM platforms as well. The beauty of our trade show and conference is that the members are all extremely passionate about our trade and since they are the decision makers for their companies & team members, they are seeking to gain new partnerships and reinforce existing partnerships with trusted like-minded individuals who are just as passionate about the Pipe Trades as themselves, they are looking for solutions to the obstacles they face, whether technical, business, or even personal, and above all, they look for support from there trusted friends & network.

Sponsorship Levels

Our success rate for vendors ensuring an ROI has never been questioned, as the partnerships built at this event will carry on for years into the future. We believe this is why some of the biggest brands in the industry have given this event a permanent place on their annual calendar, and why we believe you should too if you haven't already!

We truly believe that if you come to our event with the intent to support & uplift our industry that you will experience a feeling that only happens at this event. It is truly an exhilarating, uplifting, and value packed experience for everyone who is able to participate.

Sponsorships are limited and by invitation, each sponsorship comes with 2 full access passes to the event. More can be purchased at an additional fee of $300 per person.

Platinum Sponsorship $8,000

Only 2 Available
  • 4x8 banner with your name on it placed at all event functions
  • A special product demonstration and 15 minute company highlight on Thursday at the meet and greet and another highlight, with live demo at the trade show on Saturday
  • A premium location at the event
  • (2) 8’ table and 4 chairs. All tabletop info, trade show materials and table covers are solely vendor responsibility.

Gold Sponsorship $7,000

Only 2 Available
  • 3x5 banner with company information on it placed at all event functions
  • Recognition as the primary lunch sponsor
  • A 10 minute introduction/presentation before lunch about your company.
  • Gold location at the event, and a live demo highlight during the trade show
  • 8’ table and 2 chairs. All tabletop info, trade show materials and table covers are solely vendor responsibility.

Silver Sponsorship $6,000

Still Available
  • 3x5 banner with company information on it placed at all event functions
  • 5 minute introduction/presentation about your company before a scheduled break
  • Silver location at the event, and a live demo highlight during the trade show.
  • 8’ table and 2 chairs All tabletop info, trade show materials and table covers are solely vendor responsibility.

Bronze Sponsorship $5,000

Still Available
  • 2x4 banner with company information on it placed at all event functions, as well as the breakfast sponsorship on Friday before business classes.
  • You set up a table in the breakfast area and get to speak to all members coming in for the continental breakfast.
  • Silver location at the event
  • A highlight demo at the trade show.
  • 8’ table and 2 chairs All tabletop info and trade show materials and table covers are solely vendor responsibility.

Copper Sponsorship $4,000

Still Available
  • 2x4 banner with company information on it placed at all event functions, as well as a class sponsorship on Friday before one of the business classes.
  • You get to speak to all decision makers attending classes for about 5-7 minutes about your product or service
  • You also get to select your preferred location at the trade show (*based on availability.
  • 8’ table and 2 chairs All tabletop info and trade show materials and table covers are solely vendor responsibility.

Table Top Sponsorship $3,000

Only 10 Available
  • Includes name on multi sponsor banner with company information on it placed at all event functions
  • Dinner party tabletop sponsorship, You’re responsible for bringing brochures, pens and goodies you want to give to potential customers, where you’ll have a reserved spot at your sponsored table (seats approx. 8-10 people) to network with.
  • You also get to hand pick your location at the trade show (*based on availability).
  • 1 8’ table and 2 chairs All tabletop info and trade show materials and table covers are solely vendor responsibility.

Vendor Table Sponsorship $2,500

Still Available
  • 1 8’ table and 2 chairs All tabletop info and trade show materials and table covers are solely vendor responsibility.

Sponsorship Add-Ons

Add on sponsorships available. (Must have a table at the show to add any of these).

Bar Sponsorship $6,000

Only 2 Available
  • Thursday or Friday bar sponsorship includes drink tickets at the bar for Thursday or open bar for 2hours during dinner on Friday
  • Logos and materials at the bar and headline sponsor banner during happy hour or dinner

Dinner Sponsorship $7,000

Only 1 Available
  • Sponsor Friday night dinner and are up your own table and demo during the dinner
  • As well as Highlight your company during dinner service.

Product Demo Between Classes $1,000

Only 2 Available
  • Includes a 30 minute presentation on your product after breakfast or after lunch during class days Thursday or Friday
  • Also gets your company highlight during welcome ceremony.

Coffee Sponsor $800

Only 2 Available
  • Your Company swag and info on tables where coffee and water will be served

Lanyard Sponsor $500

Still Available
  • Your Company Logo on Lanyards for all guests attending

Nametag Sponsor $1,200

Still Available
  • Your Company logo on all name tags given to members

Welcome Sponsor $3,500

Still Available
  • Your company logo on all welcome bags handed out to each attendee at check in
  • Includes 3 bottles of water, 3 salty snacks, 3 sweet snacks, 3 healthy snacks, and if sent in time, your company provided literature/"swag".

Lockout Sponsorship Call for Price & Availability

  • If you want to be the exclusive vendor from your section of the industry and have "1st dibs" on next years spot, there’s a lockout available. This will make you the only company in your discipline, E.G. power tool co, tankless manufacturer, toilet manufacturer etc. we had a lot of people asking for this last year, so here it is! Please reach out to me if you are interested to discuss details.

Once your Vendor Application is accepted, you'll be sent the codes for room reservations & vendor detail packet

Additional tables, chairs, & electric, are available at additional costs- details to follow in a vendor packet.

Larger areas for set up & outdoor areas are available... additional cost may be incurred.

There will be NO refunds or credits provided for any reason(s) or circumstance(s), partial or otherwise.

We are open to customizing accommodations for bigger displays.

Call Bryan Hammons at 727-331-3931 or email at [email protected] with any special requests or questions you might have.

©Red Barn Media Group 2025